Beneficiary Criteria

Could you be Bearsted & Thurnham Carnival & Fayre’s supported main beneficiary?

Application criteria to be the ‘main beneficiary’ of funds

If you would like your organisation to be considered as the main beneficiary of funds raised at the annual Bearsted & Thurnham Carnival & Fayre, please read the following application criteria carefully to ensure your eligibility.

The Fayre Organising Committees will consider applications from charities, community organisations and community groups, who are based locally in Bearsted, Thurnham, Downswood, Madginford and Grove Green.

The Fayre Committees will also consider applications from:

  • Local branches of national charities or organisations and
  • Local individuals in support of their own fundraising endeavours.

In all cases:

  • The work carried out must directly benefit one or more of the above stated communities or residents.
  • Large or national charities should be able to demonstrate their ability to ‘ring-fence’ the funds for the benefit of these local communities or residents.
  • The Fayre Committees will give preference to start-up or specific project funding rather than requests of support for ongoing running costs.

Please make your application in writing to by 1st November to be considered as the main beneficiary for the following calendar year. Please include your contact details, a description of your organisation, and information on what the funds would be used for.

The Fayre’s Executive Committee will generally choose one main beneficiary, but at their discretion may select more main beneficiaries, at their Executive Committee meeting in November. Recommendations will then be presented at the following Fayre General Committee meeting for approval. Please note that this decision is final.

Successful applicants will be notified and will receive a donation at a presentation evening after the Fayre, usually in October.

The amount of the donation will be decided by the Fayre Committees, by reference to the funds available from the income generated by the Fayre. The successful applicant will then be ineligible to apply to be a main beneficiary for the next five years, but may apply again for the sixth or subsequent years.Applicants who are unsuccessful in their application to be a main beneficiary may reapply to be a main beneficiary in the following and subsequent years.

The Committee reserves the right to withdraw a nomination of any person or persons or organisation as the “main beneficiary” at any time in circumstances where the Committee, in its absolute discretion, considers it necessary.

February 2018