
The objectives of the Carnival & Fayre

  • To strengthen the community spirit by holding a Carnival and Fayre each year.
  • To provide the opportunity for local organisations, residents and charities to raise funds by organising their own stalls and activities on the Green.
  • To provide from the proceeds of the Fayre, sufficient funds to sustain the Fayre.
  • To provide substantial funds for a main beneficiary in support of its activities for the benefit of local residents and to support local community organisations with funds in response to their requests for financial assistance.

The main activities of the Fayre Committees

  • To organise an annual Carnival & Fayre (usually the last Saturday of June).
  • The theme of the Carnival and Fayre will be set each year after consideration of all suggestions received.
  • The Carnival procession will be made up of floats and walking groups which process from Madginford Hall car park down to the Green.
  • The Fayre on the Green comprises main arena events, various stalls, amusements and fund raising activities to give the widest choice, selection and enjoyment for visitors.
  • A Fayre programme will be produced in support of the event, and sold for maximum income.
  • A Grand Draw will be organised to maximise income with support from local businesses.
  • Site fees will be charged to stall holders and organisations, either as a fixed fee, or, as for local organisations, an agreement to share 50% of their profits. Commercial sites are negotiated separately. The Committees reserve the right to offer free sites, where appropriate, at their discretion.
  • Official cash collections will be made during the Carnival procession.
  • A Presentation Evening will be arranged for the distribution of funds raised by the Fayre (usually in October).

The organisation of the Fayre Committees

The Committees are an informal association of organisations and residents taking their authority from open and publicised meetings. As a non-profit making organisation seeking to distribute it’s surplus funds, it does not need registered charitable status.

The Committees are made up of:

  • The General Committee, which is made up of the Executive Committee plus representatives of local organisations and any other local residents. They will meet as necessary. All meetings are open and will be publicised.
  • The Chairman and other executive officers will be elected at an Annual General Meeting for a period of one year, after which they are eligible to offer themselves for re-election.
  • The executive officers co-opt an Executive Committee, from the members of the General Committee, in order to arrange the functions necessary to run the Fayre.
  • The office of President is offered to recognise the outstanding contribution of an individual to the Fayre. It is not subject to annual re-election.
  • A number of Honorary Vice Presidents will be elected to provide support to the Fayre in whatever way is deemed appropriate. They are not subject to annual re-election.

Members of the Executive Committee are authorised to enter into agreements and contracts with third parties for the purpose of organising the Fayre.

Payments will not be made to individuals, save to meet approved expenses or as a small gratuity.

The following officers are recognised by the Executive Committee:

  • The President and Honorary Vice Presidents.
  • The Chairman (who will co-ordinate the officers and members of both Committees towards meeting the objectives of the Fayre).
  • The Vice Chairman (who will deputise for the Chairman where appropriate).
  • The Secretary (who will act as the main point of contact with third parties and local organisations).
  • The Treasurer (who will be responsible for the financial matters of the Fayre, and arrange for the Fayre’s Annual Financial Statement to be subjected to an independent review before each Annual General Meeting).
  • The Minutes Secretary (who will provide administrative support to both Committees to organise and record their meetings by way of agendas and minutes).
  • The Programme Editor (who will be responsible for the production, editing and distribution of the Fayre Programme for maximum income, by raising advertising revenues and recommending an appropriate sales price for approval by the Committees).


  • One main beneficiary is usually selected for support each year (usually with local connections), which will receive approximately 50% of the proceeds unconditionally, the remaining funds being made available on application.
  • The Fayre enables local organisations and charities to raise funds directly from their own activities. The Committees will also seek to distribute proceeds from the Fayre by inviting application from local organisations for funds, or nomination for local amenity projects from appropriate bodies.
  • The main criteria to receive funds will be that the organisations shall be local, non-profit making, or charitable and may include individual fund raising activities, which operate within the local area to the benefit of members of the local community. Local amenity projects should be of immediate benefit to the local community.
  • On receiving advice from the Treasurer, the Executive Committee will, at their discretion, recommend to the General Committee for their approval, the extent and allocation of the funds to be distributed.

March 2015